Educator Researcher Coach

The Language and Voice of Meltdowns

“Once the neurological pattern of a meltdown is established, it will if triggered set off down the same path. But what is the reason for the meltdowns? What are they telling us?  How are Technology based meltdowns different?”

Adrienne J Furness


Individual and group workshops on the language and voice of meltdowns. Combining research and theory, technology and practical tools for greater understanding of the cycle of meltdowns and strategies for mitigation.


Sharing mine and others research in the topic areas of neuroscience, use of Technology for data recording and analysis, education and the Heart-Brain connection.


Personal and Life Coaching with the target of achieving balance between heart and brain to enable better coping skills in daily interactions.

About Adrienne J Furness

Adrienne was a classroom teacher before the words autism and meltdown became part of popular language. From teaching Adrienne moved into technology and software design, and adult education in various corporate arenas. To wrap Adrienne’s interests of Education, Neuroscience and Technology together, she commenced studies at the University of Sydney seeking a Masters of Learning Science and Technology.  These studies conclude with a research project she has held close for more than 10 years.

With the increase in issues of the mind impacting the classroom – ASD, anxiety and stress, behavior, meltdowns and disruptions, Adrienne’s research looks at the Autonomic Nervous System and internal state using the readily available Fitbit. While most use a Fitness Tracker to measure health in steps and exercise, Adrienne correlates various data elements to inform on the regulatory status that may possibly predict an imminent meltdown.

Adrienne is a mother, educator, researcher, and application designer, with a long history in technology and training complex IT systems.  Adrienne encourages heart-based interventions and the adaptation of regulatory state through breath.  She seeks interventions which can lead to greater self-regulation and better health outcomes for those on the Autism Spectrum and those supporting them.

Adrienne is extending her research into meltdowns based on use of Technology – from simple i-pad use to gaming.

My Research and Conferences

Adrienne is currently:

  • Working with families where children and teens are experiencing Technology initiated meltdowns.
  • Undertaking a self-funded project to analyse differences in Technology related meltdowns versus meltdowns in other contexts.


H.E.L.P. Conference 2015 – Melbourne.

SEPLA Conference 2015 – Central Coast

SEPLA -CON 2019 – Rosehill Racecourse, Rydes Parramatta

SEPLA – Special Education Principals’ and Leaders’ Association NSW.

© Adrienne J Furness 2023. All rights reserved.